Friday, February 1, 2013

Color Crazy

Poor Little D...I will think of any way to sneak in a learning opportunity. It's going to be a looong 18 years, kid. I came across this wonderfully colorful idea on MumCentral. It was super timely because I was just trying to think of ways to teach Denver his colors, beyond repeating the colors of things over and over again...and again... Then I came across a Pin that had the perfect idea.

On MumCentral, I saw an idea for color baskets. I immediately started thinking about what I would need to go buy to make the perfect color baskets...isn't that terrible that I first think of what I can buy?! But then I realized that I had everything I needed! I took bins from Little D's toy shelf and just filled them with colored toys. It was actually kind of a scavenger hunt! So here's what I ended up with...

I wanted there to be a nice mix of toys so that Little D wouldn't get bored. You could include...
                                            - blocks
                                            - animals
                                            - craft materials
                                            - cars
                                            - small books
                                            - fabric
                                            - letters
                                            - kitchen utensils
                                            - clothes
                                            - trains
                                            - balls

Something about them just makes me happy! 

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