Monday, March 14, 2011

1 New Week, 5 New Recipes

Lately I have been working on ways to become a more efficient food shopper.  I always say that I want to try new recipes, buy things I don't normally buy, and get the most bang for my buck, but it never seems to work that way.  I usually go in, grab lunch food for Ian and then grab a few staple ingredients (chicken, potatoes, broccoli, canned tomatoes, Greek yogurt, lettuce etc.).  I always have the best intentions to try new things with those staples, but as I go down each aisle, I grab the usual and end up with the same monotonous menu each week.  I want to sit down, plan out a menu for the week, figure out what ingredients I need and which I already have on hand...I even want to be so savvy as to figure out replacements with what I already have and find coupons for what I don't have.  Each week comes and goes, though.  I never seem to have the time to sit down and plan it all out.

Then, two things happened.  One, I stumbled upon Rachel Ray's show, Week in a Day

I don't know if I've told you, but I have a love-hate relationship with Rach.  I can't stand her always bubbly personality, but I love her recipes.  Anyway, this show is great because she shares 5 recipes and walks you through how to do all of the prep work in one day.  Here comes the excuse...I feel like for the past couple years, her recipes have reached a new level.  They are no longer for the every-woman, or every-man for that matter.  They have become more complicated, expensive, and use less-common ingredients.  I would love to try all 5 recipes from one of her episodes, but when I can't pronounce some of the ingredients, I know that it is probably not practical during a busy work-week.  Even so, Rach has inspired me to put more thought into my weekly menu.  I will absolutely try one of her episodes sometime, but for now, I need something that suits my budget and schedule a little better.

Then something else happened...thank goodness!  I realized that one of my favorite blogs, Living Locurto, had exactly what I've been looking for! 

Amy Locurto, self-described as a "fun" mom who doesn't mind when things get messy, puts together a weekly menu and even includes a printable shopping list!  DING DING DING!  Her recipes are practical...exactly what I'm looking for.  Nothing too fancy, but tasty and almost comforting in a way.  They're the kinds of meals you remember eating as a kid, but still enjoy as a grown up.  This week, I'm trying Week 9 - Fast & Easy...because fast and easy is exactly what I need right now!
These are not the healthiest recipes, but don't they sound perfect for a chilly week-night dinner?!?!  I will blog along the way and let you know how it goes.  If all goes well, I might actually get into a routine.  Maybe I'll even create my own weekly menus and submit them to Amy.

PS...I'm always looking for new weeknight recipes so share 'em if you got 'em! 
PSS...Who would have thought I could write such a lengthy post about food shopping I haven't done yet and recipes I haven't made yet?
PSSS...Check out Living Locurto for more than just weekly menus.  Amy posts awesome printables and theme-party ideas, too!


  1. I think Rachel Ray's recipes are too complicated too...too many ingredients that I don't have. Maybe it's because I'm not much of a cook though. :-) There's another great site where they plan a week of menus w/shopping list for free, here's the link.

    Curious to hear how the spicy turkey lasagna will turn out!

  2. I will absolutely check it out! Thanks. And I will absolutely let you know about the lasagna. So far, recipe 1 went well!
